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Tarot Reading

Past, Present & Future

Your Tarot Reading

Thank you for taking part of this magical experience. Here are more details about your the 3 tarot cards you ended up with. If you need more details or wish to have another private reading or magical experience, please get in touch with me directly.

The Hanged Man Tarot Card
The Past

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man signifies a time of suspension, a period where you may have felt stuck or in limbo. It’s about letting go, seeing things from a different perspective, and making sacrifices for a greater good. Reflect on your past and consider how moments of surrender and new perspectives have shaped who you are today.

The Present


Strength is not just physical power but the courage and inner resilience that guides us through challenges. It speaks to your ability to face difficulties with patience, compassion, and fortitude. Right now, you embody this strength, using your inner wisdom to navigate the present moment with grace and determination.

Strength Tarot Card
The World Tarot Card
The Future

The World

The World represents completion and fulfillment: assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place.
 It speaks of achieving your goals and finding a harmonious balance in your life. The World promises a sense of wholeness and accomplishment ahead.

Get another Tarot reading or book Bassem for a magical experience at your next event!